Introduction to Agility
To enter this class, your pet must be 6 months or older, and you must have beginning obedience skills that include a solid stay & recall.
This class will introduce students to agility terms and all obstacles. This class aims to have a dog who will willingly navigate all of the equipment and a handler who gains basic knowledge of the sport.
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Instructors: Barb Wielms & Tina Lass
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old. All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Agility 1-Foundations
To enter this class, your pet must be 7 months old or older, and you must have passed the introduction to agility course.
This class continues to build confidence on obstacles and introduces new foundational concepts. The beginning of basic sequencing will be introduced as teams begin transferring to off-leash.
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Instructors: Barb Wielms & Tina Lass
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old. All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Agility 2 – Handling Sequences
To enter this class, your pet must be 8 months old or older, and you must have passed the introduction to agility course.
This class will introduce handlers to 3 of the basic handling maneuvers: wraps, front cross, and rear cross. Handlers will work with their dog, off leash, to cue and perform these skills in short sequences. This class will also continue to practice and reinforce the 2 on 2 off contact performance, 12 weave poles (with wires) performance and start line stays.
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Instructors: Jennifer Hammett & Tina Lass
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old. All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Agility 3 – Novice Coursing
To enter this class, you must have passed Agility -2 Handling Sequences.
This class will introduce the blind cross. Handlers will work with their dog, off leash, to correctly cue and perform this skill, along with the handling maneuvers learned in Agility 2. Handler and dog teams will practice novice level courses, including start line lead outs, basic crosses, 2 on 2 off contact performances, and 12 independent weave poles (with wires). Handlers will learn to control the movement of the teeter as the dogs work towards independent teeter performance.
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Instructors: Jennifer Hammett & Tina Lass
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old. All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Agility 4 – Intermediate Class
To enter this class, you must have passed Agility -3 Novice Coursing.
Running master-level courses, handlers will fine-tune the mechanics and timing of crosses (wraps, front, rear, blind) and learn how and when to use the reverse spin option for sending a dog over a jump. Dogs and handlers work toward independent contact and weave performance without wires or handling aid while proofing and rewarding criteria. Startline and table stays with lead out will also be a focus in this class.
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Instructors: Debi Cocciola
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old. All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Agility 5 – Advance Class
To enter this class, you must have passed Agility – 4 Intermediate
Running master and premier level courses, students will be learning to select the best crosses, location, and other handling choices. Lines and subtle handling cues as well as speed will be addressed as dogs trial at the open and master level courses.
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Instructors: Debi Cocciola
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old and all minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Competition Agility
This is a drop-in class for dogs who are ready to compete or are actively competing
This class is structured for teams in Novice or higher. A variety of course levels will be set and offered. Instruction will be given as needed.
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Instructors: Barb Wielms, Tina Lass
Age restrictions: Students must be at least 12 years old and all minors must be accompanied by an adult.